Monday, May 14, 2012

Camp Wartburg

Every summer since 6th grade, I have been going to a Lutheran summer camp out near Waterloo, Illinois called Camp Wartburg. My brother and I have always looked forward to the week we get to spend at camp! They offer different camps such as caving, horseback riding, high ropes, and tons of other options. However, when I got to high school, I wanted something a little more challenging. Every year, Wartburg sends a group of older kids to Colorado to climb a mountain, go white water rafting, hiking, and camping. I went on this trip for three years in a row and had a blast each time. After three years, it was my little brother's turn to experience this amazing trip.  
My junior year of high school, I decided I wanted to try my skills as a counselor. They put me in the "summer camp" kids group. These kids come to Wartburg every day of the summer whereas the kids in the specialty camps only come for a week. Having the summer camp kids is way more difficult because they get bored very easily. Most of the time the kids already know each other and they've done everything there is to do at Wartburg. It was difficult trying to entertain them and come up with new and fun things to do, but I still had a great time being their counselor. 
The past two years at Wartburg, I have been involved in something a little different called Shepherding Week. During this week, the camp is open to people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities. At first, I was a little apprehensive about being a counselor during this week because I have never been exposed to a large group of people with disabilities. I really had no idea what to expect, but it turned out that Shepherding Week was even more rewarding and gratifying than climbing a mountain in Colorado! For the past two years, I have been with the same group. All of the ladies in my group are physically disabled, but that sure doesn't stop them from having a great time at camp! We go swimming, make crafts, play games, read stories, and act in a talent show. I am going back for my third year as a counselor for Shepherding Week and am really hoping they put me in the same group again! 
Being able to meet and interact with these wonderful people gave me such a different outlook on life. Even though they aren't the same as everyone else, they have so much joy and happiness to give and are always up for a new adventure. I would encourage everyone to experience this at least once in your life because it truly does make you see things differently. I am now much more comfortable around people with disabilities and look forward to going to Shepherding Week all year. 

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