Sunday, April 1, 2012


Quotes have always been something I love. I love reading them, finding new ones, and sharing them with others (mostly my best friend Anna). Instead of just picking one, I thought I'd share a few. In my last post, I talked a little bit about Pinterest and it is one of my favorite places to find new quotes. Here are just a few:

"Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always, believe in yourself. Because if you don't, then who will?" -- Marilyn Monroe

I love this quote because there were a few times in my life that I have felt like I was a failure. But the important thing to do is to just get up and try again. When you don't get it right the first time, make sure you learn your lesson and go at it again. Just like Marilyn said, believe in yourself and you'd be surprised at the things you can accomplish.

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole live believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein 

This is one of my favorite quotes! I love this metaphor because it's so easy to understand. I feel like we do this all the time in real life. We make judgements on people before we even get to know them. It's important to get to know a person and see what they've been through and struggled with before you can judge how they're supposed to be. Everyone is a genius in their own way.

"When you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin. Why? Because when that coin is in the suddenly know what you're hoping for." -- Unknown 

This is another one of my favorites because it's so true! Actually, tonight Anna couldn't decide what nail polish to use. So I took them and put them behind my back and whatever hand she picked was the color she'd use. When I showed her the color she picked, she said, "Aw man! I wanted to use the other color!" Even though it sounds kind of stupid, it's exactly what the quote is about!

"Having courage does no mean that we are unafraid. Having courage and showing courage mean we face our fears. We are able to say, 'I have fallen, but I will get up.'" -- Maya Angelou  

I love this quote because it's very inspiring and uplifting. Even though you may fall down a few times, have the courage to stand back up and try again. It is kind of similar to Marilyn's quote above: keep trying and don't give up!


Pinterest is probably my most favorite website. I am on it all the time! For those of you don't know what Pinterest is, I will give you a quick insight. It is basically a virtual pinboard. People posts pins of anything and everything from wedding ideas, recipes, quotes, and I could go on forever. Each person has a profile with boards. Some of mine include Style & Beauty, All About Nails, Yummy Recipes, and Cute Crafts. So, as I'm searching through other people's pins and I find one I like, I can repin it to one of my boards. That way it will show up in my profile for all of my followers to see. It was a little confusing at first, but once I got the hang of it, I couldn't stop pinning! It's a great way to become inspired and get ideas on all sorts of things. It's mostly a website that's for girls, but there are some guys that like to pin as well and more power to them! Happy pinning :)

How to Tip Your Server

Working at a restaurant this past year has really opened my eyes to the server's point of view. I have a new appreciation for what really goes on behind the scenes. However, the biggest thing I have taken away from serving is how to PROPERLY tip your server.

There's a few general things you should know about tipping.

10% = Bad service
15% = Average service
20% = Satisfactory service

I know many people think that 10% is a standard tip, but I get upset if I only get 10% or less. I'm making $4.95/hour and I'm relying on the guests' tips as the majority of my paycheck. It's also good to know that satisfied does not mean the same thing as exceptional. If your server is polite, attentive, pleasant, and provided you with a satisfied dine-in experience, they deserve a 20% tip. However, if your server goes above and beyond, you should tip more than 20%. An easy way to do the math without the calculator is to just move the decimal over and double! For example, if your bill was $25.00, move the decimal over = $2.50 (10%) and double (20%) to get a final total of $5.00 for a tip. For those of you who can't afford to follow the proper tipping rules, to be honest, servers would rather you stay at home. As I said before, we are counting on your tips as the majority of our income, so for you to come to the restaurant, take up a table in my section, make me give you satisfactory service just for a crappy tip? No thank you. (Sorry if that sounded rude, but it's the way 95% of servers feel). Another rule of thumb; if you get a discount (use a coupon) ALWAYS tip on the full amount. Servers have to provide the same service either way, so we're expecting a tip on what the full amount would be without the discount.

Now, every time I go to a restaurant, I pay close attention to my server and the environment. Before, I never really thought about tipping my server. I would always tip the bare minimum because I didn't understand how to tip properly. As I have worked in a restaurant, my perspective has changed drastically. I hope those of you who read this take your server's into more consideration the next time you go out to eat.